Tuesday, 31 January 2023

The Long Way Home

Nearly five months ago I boarded an east bound flight to London with the plan of flying eastwards till I made it home again. Amazingly the trip has gone really well and after so many amazing countries it was coming to an end. 

I flew from Carins to Brisbane where I could get a direct flight to Vancouver. And stopped to see another cousin. We had met in Adelaide, she had come to see me when I was there (or, you know, her mom and brother) and offered to host me during a layover. She showed me the Gold Coast, and since it was a dreary day we went to a Scandinavian spa for 90 minutes of glorious hot soaks, dinner in town and then games back at her place! Just a great way to leave Australia. 

Next was one looong flight up Vancouver with a stop in Victoria to visit my dad. It was just a lazy visit of sipping fine wines and being fed good food and sharing way too many photos!!

Next was two little hoppers to a town with one of the worst airports in the winter- luckily I made it in with no issues to finally see some of my favourite people ever! I was met at the airport by my adorable little nephew (and brother in law who did the driving) and spent a few days with my sister and a little niece who is growing up faster than legally should be allowed!!

We had a couple days of parks and Mario and cuddles and giggles (and one grown up sisters dinner) before it was time to head east one last time.  The weather looked to be closing in, with some heavy snow around the airport. But to my delight (and one little guys disappointment) the sky’s cleared and I made it to Vancouver in time for my connection. 

So, now I’m sitting in my seat a little emotional. Is it because it’s over? Or because I’ll see my grandma and my kitty soon? (Not to mention dear friends, more family, and my pillow!)

Who knows- but I can tell you one thing. I can’t wait to get back to work just because I need to start saving up for my next adventure!!

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