Friday, 15 July 2022

Preparations are underway

 The count down is on! In about two weeks I will be off work for six months, and about five of those will be spent travelling.  I have done lots of research into my pack - I have decided to go for a carry on sized back (which I am very glad I chose with all these airport issues!) and am whittling down what I want to bring.  Luckily most of where I will be will be warm weather locations, so no heavy gear!  I picked an Osprey 40L pack, I hope it will hold all my essentials.  If nothing else this trip will help teach me how to live a leaner life!!

I had planned this trip to be completely spontaneous, which is going against my nature.  During the planning I have let this slide a little.  I am going to spend two months in Europe, and that will be full spontaneous.  I will get a Eurail hop on-hop off ticket to allow me to explore where and when I want.  I am very excited to try a nomadic lifestyle!

But looking ahead I began to get nervous, there aren't too many flight options from Africa to South East Asia.  Then I became worried about trying to find tours.  So long story short, that is pretty much booked! Flights are reserved, hotels found, and a couple group tours signed up for.  Ah well, I'll still have fun even if it is planned!  

Then in the New Year I'll hop to Australia and New Zealand.  And perhaps back to the spontaneity.  I have some family there, so some planning will be needed, though I'd mostly like to wait and see what I feel like doing while I am there!  Although there will definitely be some diving along the Great Barrier Reef and a visit to Uluru!

Count down is on, 53 days till the adventure of a life time!

Friday, 1 July 2022

The adventure continues!

It’s been a long break! But paradise beckons again!  First, an update! The past ten years have been busy, after moving home from Provo I went back to school to work on my training which helped me land the dream job- Toronto Paramedic!! With a proper paycheque things were good- I’ve been to Iceland and Costa Rica and hiked the Inca trail. I was all set for a month in Africa when…well. You know.   So two years have crept miserably by. And things are looking up, I finally got to go to Africa which was wonderful. And now the moment I have been waiting four years for is approaching. My deferred leave. To put it simply, I have been taking a small pay cut for four years and soon I’ll have six months to do as I like, with a stay paycheque coming in!  Since I’m gearing up for these months away I thought it was time to revive my blog, and hopefully you’ll all come back to follow me on this trip!!